Registration of candidates for the upcoming Iranian presidential election is complete

Ahn Soyeon(SNUAC)

Last month, following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, Iran scheduled a presidential by-election for May 28. If no candidate secures a majority of the votes on that day, a runoff election will be held on July 5. Consequently, six candidates have recently been confirmed to run in the upcoming presidential by-election. To officially run in the Iranian presidential election, candidates must receive approval from the 12-member Guardian Council. Although 80 individuals initially declared their candidacy for this by-election, only six were approved by the Guardian Council to participate in the final presidential race.

2024 G7 Summit: Urging Ceasefire in Gaza War and Enhancing Humanitarian Aid

Han Saerom(Sookmyung Women’s University)

During the G7 Summit held from 13 to 15 June 2024, a key focus was the ongoing Gaza war. On the first day of the summit, the G7 leaders unequivocally called on Hamas to accept a ceasefire roadmap proposed by US President Joe Biden. This roadmap, unveiled in May, is a three-phase plan aimed at achieving a truce and the release of hostages. The plan includes a six-week truce during which Hamas would release the remaining living female, elderly, and sick hostages in exchange for Israel releasing hundreds of Palestinian security prisoners, withdrawing the IDF from Gaza population centers, allowing the unrestricted return of Palestinians to all areas of the Strip, and facilitating the daily entry of 600 trucks of humanitarian aid into the enclave.

카타르의 관광업: 경제 다각화를 이끄는 유망 분야

– 칼리드 빈 이브라힘 알하마르(주한 카타르 대사)

Israel in trouble at home and abroad

Hwang Yuihyun (SNUAC)

Israel’s internal divisions are deepening. On June 9, National Unity Party leader Benny Gantz resigned from the cabinet, criticizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Gantz, the main opposition leader, participated in the war cabinet with the right-wing coalition led by Netanyahu for national unity after the war broke out in October 2023, but continues to criticize Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policy of failing to rescue hostages kidnapped by Hamas and prolonging the war.

Turkish balanced diplomacy displayed at the G7

Han Haeun(SNUAC)

President Erdoğan’s special invitation to both plenary and bilateral sessions at the G7 summit highlights Turkey’s increasingly pivotal role as a significant partner in global issue resolution. Firstly, Turkey’s mediation efforts in the Ukraine conflict have gained high praise internationally. While both the G7 and Turkey support Ukraine, the G7 opts for a more direct and robust military and economic approach, whereas Turkey emphasizes balanced diplomacy and humanitarian aid in its mediator role. This strategy is seen as part of Turkey’s efforts to maintain regional stability and national security interests, considering its relations with Russia. However, Putin’s recent actions, including extensive visits to countries like China, Belarus, Uzbekistan, North Korea, and Vietnam, accelerating the formation of an anti-Western bloc since starting his fifth term last month, have caused discomfort by delaying Erdoğan’s visit to Turkey and hinting at strained relations.

발행처: 서울대학교 아시아연구소 서아시아센터, HK+메가아시아연구사업단
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